
After the completion of my BA degree (in film), the first métier I truly found an entry point into exploring was nonfiction writing. For the latter part of the 1990s, I trained myself how to write by pursuing feature journalism in and around Los Angeles. After completing my MFA at CalArts in the early 2000s, I could no longer envisage writing the same kind of mass market pieces. From that point forward my writing stayed, for many years, within the world of art discourse (while continuing to display a debt to my informal journalistic training)—with occasional ventures into more experimental forms of textual production. fter my PhD, I also began to write more conventional academic texts. These two tendencies—the experimental and the academic—were conjoined in A History of the Western Sahara Conflict: The Paper Desert, an overtly literary approach to history-writing produced over an eight-year period from 2013 to 2021. Presented on this page are PDFs of much of my published output of the last 20 years, including the first thirty pages of A History of the Western Sahara Conflict.